Two Options For Dealing With An Underwater Home When Divorcing

Posted on: 14 June 2018
Splitting assets that have retained their value is challenging enough during a divorce. However, dealing with a home where you owe more than the property is worth will require you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse to make some difficult decisions. If you're underwater on your home and trying to determine the best way to extricate yourself from the situation, here are two options available to you. Sell and Agree to Split the Loss
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What Does It Take To Declare Someone An Unfit Parent?

Posted on: 29 March 2018
What can you do when your child's other parent has turned into someone utterly unrecognizable to you? If you're horrified by your ex's behavior and really believe that he or she is an unfit parent, the last thing you want to do is spend the first 18 years of your child's life fighting over custody, dreading every visitation day, or trying to repair the emotional damage this person does every time he or she comes in and out of your lives.
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Don't Stop At A Will: Understanding The Limitations Of The Last Will And Testament

Posted on: 25 March 2018
If you are considering making a will, do so. There is simply no replacement for this best-known and indispensable legal document when it comes to dealing your affairs after death. The will, however, should not be considered the be-all end-all product when it comes to estate planning. Read on to learn more about using a few other simple ways to serve your estate. Dealing with Real Estate When you consider estate property, there is unlikely to be any as valuable as real estate.
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Two Reasons Personal Injury Claims Go Up In The Summer Season

Posted on: 13 February 2018
The winter season is coming to a close with spring looming on the horizon, which means before you know it, summer will be in full swing. When summer does hit, it's only natural that there are greater risks of being injured, but why is this the case? What is it about fairer weather that brings about more injuries? As an average everyday person who is just as much at risk for being injured as the next person, you are likely curious why summer means more injuries for a lot of people.
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