Unseen Conditions And Social Security Benefits: What Claimants Should Know

Posted on: 7 November 2022

Workers that are unable to perform their work tasks may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Although many people associate SSDI with medical conditions, the Social Security Administration (SSA) covers unseen conditions as well. Many people suffer from mental health problems that affect their work. Read on to find out what claimants should know about applying for SSDI when a mental health condition is affecting their jobs.

Providing Proof is Important

When an applicant applies for SSDI, they must explain everything they can about their illness using the application form. The caseworkers who review SSDI applications only know what is listed on the application form. This is the claimant's opportunity to show the SSA that they are suffering from a mental health condition, that the condition meets the SSA guidelines, and that they are unable to work because of the condition. That is no easy task, as you can imagine.

The Claimant is Suffering from a Condition

You can only prove that you have a mental health, or any, condition if you can produce records to prove it. See a doctor about your depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions. If you are prescribed medications or told to participate in therapy, do so.

The Claimant is Suffering from a Condition that Meets the SSA Guidelines

The SSA maintains a list of covered conditions in what is known as the blue book. This book is online and lists all medical and mental health conditions along with the guidelines that must be met for the claimant to be approved. One important point concerning those guidelines is that claimants must show that they took steps to alleviate the symptoms of their disease and made an effort to get better. For instance, showing that they tried various forms of therapy and medication.

The Claimant is Unable to Work Because of the Condition

This is where many applicants fall short of the guidelines. The symptoms of the mental condition must be linked to the tasks of their job. For instance, if you are suffering from anxiety and your job requires you to speak before a group, you are unable to do one of the primary tasks of your job.

Being Turned Down

It's normal to be turned down for benefits. Rather than being discouraged, speak to an attorney about your denial. You are entitled to come before a hearing officer and be heard in person. You can have legal help with your appeal claim with no upfront payment needed. Speak to a lawyer and learn how important the appeal hearing is for getting approved for benefits.
