Protect Your Interests Through Proactivity - Questions For A Family Law Attorney

Posted on: 10 May 2017
No one enters into a marriage expecting it to end, so when you find yourself coming to a point where you need the involvement of a family law attorney, the process can seem overwhelming. The first step in relieving that stress and proceeding through a difficult divorce is making sure you're properly informed and taking proactive steps to secure your interests. The best information comes through thorough questioning. Below, you'll find a guide to some questions you should be sure to ask your family law attorney in order to guarantee that you're not caught off guard, and to allow yourself to be as informed as possible about the difficult process ahead.
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Shedding the Student Loan Burden With Social Social Benefits

Posted on: 26 April 2017
For those unable to work at their job because of a medical condition, the potential for financial disaster is ever-present. Most people work because they have to, and bills can pile up when they are too sick to work. If a student loan payment is one of your financial obligations, there may be some relief in sight. You may be able to have your student loan forgiven if you also are able to get Social Security benefits.
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A Divorce Diary Can Be An Invaluable Tool For Managing Your Separation

Posted on: 10 April 2017
When you get a divorce, there are often a lot of things that must be sorted through and dealt with. Even after your divorce is finalized, there may still be issues that need to be handled and new ones will often pop up. One thing that can help you get a handle on the chaos is to keep a divorce diary. Here's more information about this useful tool. How a Divorce Diary Can Help
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Dangers Of Kitchen Table Divorce Negotiations Without Lawyers

Posted on: 15 March 2017
If you and your spouse have mutually agreed to divorce, you may be tempted to sit down with your spouse and come up with a divorce agreement without involving any professionals. Unfortunately, such kitchen table divorce negotiations often end in heartache for at least one person. Here are a few reasons you should avoid such a divorce agreement: It Can Produce Spur-Of-The-Moment Agreements Kitchen table negotiations are, by their nature, informal and friendly.
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